Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 13 (??? not yet )

Got up at 5:00 am this morning, lots of things to do before I leave El Paso. Trailer and truck tire pressure and truck engine oil. I'm putting two new tires on the Orbea bike as the old ones have close to 2000 miles on them and working like me "old and scarred up". By the time we got all our stuff done it was 10:00 am before I started " turning the crank". Rolled into Sierra Blanca about 5:45 , found a camping spot and had dinner. Rode very close to the Mexican border today. In places there is a very high fence that runs along the Mexican border. Everywhere you look there are border patrol vehicles and border check points. The irrigation  and crops have given away to the desert again as we got closer to Sierra Blanca. Fought some pretty good head winds again today-I'm told they " build character" Here I thought I already was one!:-))))))
My wife is telling me to stop writing so much as she is the one that needs to type all this into the blog and she is tired and wants to go to bed. So I'll say good night.


  1. Mikey you are my hero STILL!!! I'm gonna have a BIG drink for us both. I love your posts. Heres my post Costco gas station is still there:) But we do miss you ALOT! Keep pumping those legs your getting there. Kris

  2. We've been worring about you. I'm glad you on the road again (ha ha)

    Karen and Paul

  3. I am SoOOOOooooOOOO impressed with you! Those head winds just aren't fair! I'm still in VA-hugging on my grandsons. I hope to get you a pledge update Monday when I get back to work. Ride on!
