Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapter 17

As we left Ozona, TX about 8:45 am this morning it was pretty overcast, cool and windy!!!!!!!!!! ( whats new). Winds pretty much out of the north-northeast-- not good!:-((( We got about 10 miles west of Junction, TX and are spending the night in an RV park located  in the middle of a pecan grove. The weather cleared up early this afternoon and we are enjoying a breezy, but sunny evening, Even the dogs are happy to get out of the truck and relax. We enjoyed the evening with a nice BBQ.

Sorry the blog has been a little boring the last couple days, but not a lot going on in Texas. A few oil wells and more pecan groves, that's about it.  I was told there is an armadillo hanging around the RV park here so we are looking to get a picture.. Got about 430 miles left in Texas before crossing into Louisiana. Eastern Texas will be more populated and communities much closer together, so after tomorrow things will be a little less boring.Waving good night with my 10 gallon hat.

1 comment:

  1. OH Stop it Mike...Your blogs are never boring..No matter what you talk about,It's all part of the adventure..And I'm lovcing the ride!!ttys..Barbie :D
