Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter 4

I had a shorter ride today and we decided to stay on the Calf. side of the Colorado River. As I ride out tomorrow all I have to do is cross a bridge & I will be in Arizona. I went out of desert country & back to more of the agricultural country again. The Colorado river is to this area what the Columbia river is to central Wash. I rode through a small community called Ripley, which is near Blythe, CA. There really is a Ripley "believe it our not". As I was going by some fields of broccoli and iceberg lettuce I told the worker to send the pick of the crop to Kalispell, Montana. All I got was the deer in the head lite look. Not to rub it in, but as I rode through Blythe about 12:30 pm it was 61 degrees. Vargie's brother & sister and theirs spouses met us at our campsite this afternoon & brought dinner. They winter in Yuma, AZ from Washington. It was nice to see them all again and we got a nice long visit in. I've got a 96 mile uphill leg scheduled for tomorrow so I am going to close and get some rest. Out side of the snow day Sat. the ride has been great and it's been wonderful to read the responses & well wishes on the blog.
Happy trails.


  1. Hi Varge Hi Mike! It is so exciting to hear about your adventure. Give the dogs love from me. Good luck in Arizona! Love Jo JO

  2. Hi Mike,
    It's good to hear you are doing well on your adventure..You don't know how bad I wish I was riding along side of you.But I know I would just fall over dead by the 2ed day..So I will have to stay with you in sprit..It snowed agang yesterday & it looks like it might again today..I didn't feel good today so I stayed home..I didn't tell anyone it was so I could read your blog..HA HA..Say hi to Vargy & the dogs for me..
    I'll look in on you again tonight..Barbie

  3. Great to hear from you today. Sounds like you are doing super. Keep up the good work and know that you have a lot of people supporting your efforts. Vargie, if you get lost just turn left at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk, or was it right. Jim
