Monday, March 7, 2011


From the sound track 
Paint Your Wagon 
32 mph today with gust in the high 40's. My forearms ache tonight just trying to keep the handlebars into the wind and stay upright. I truly appreciate all the prayers for tailwinds & boy you guys are good.!! I'd call that results. Had to play catch up West of Silver City N.M. today and rode East to the top of  Emory pass 8,228 ft..God willing and the wind co-operting I will ride down the east side of Emory pass on Tuesday morning & into Las Cruces. We have high wind advisories for all of N.M. & West Tx. so who knows how far we will get . Catholicism is alive and well in the Southwest. Even the tiniest communities have lovely churches that are emmaculate. The open pit mine above Silver City, N.M. is huge. Hard to believe that much earth could be moved on any amount of time, let alone the last 100 yrs. Riding was a full time job & photography wasn't part of the bargin.A personal note regarding the wind:  When the wind is at your back it's like the hand of God giving you  a gentle push. When it is in your face it's like the slimy devils trident right in your chest.
Looks like Silver City has a major fire going on to the North & East of us. This wind spread it quickly. I'm going to hook up the trailer tonight and be ready to go if the winds change directions and we have to get out of here. I'll keep you informed.
Buenos Noches

Note from Vargie:

 Mike just really amazed me today with fighting the winds. I told him just skip this part:-)))) He says no way. I will do every mile of this ride as I have said I would. Not a lot of people would have this much dedication and that's the way Mike has always been. Mike ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I really don't know what i am doing following this blog but i'm learning you rock keep the wind at your tail.

  2. Hi Mike & Vargie..
    My heart is out there with you..I'm so proud of you!!You do ROCK!!
    There was a skiff of snow last night..the temp this morning is 30*. Not too bad,It suppose to get up to 37*today..I even saw a motorcycle out yesterday..

    Keep on rolling..Barbie

  3. Trying to keep things as realistic as possible I set up two fans behind my stationary bike and turned them both on high. Didn't make me pedal any faster but made for a "cool" ride. My fastest mile yet. My support team told me to get my own damn drink, not at all respectful like Vargie. My four dogs did fall asleep by my bike as I pedaled, at least they are not a hindrance. Will try to make a couple of miles today just in case I need a day off later. Thanks for the inspiration. No pledges yet, but I have three people betting I die before mile 30.
