Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 14

We left Sierra Blanca at about 7:45 am this morning and headed east for Kent, TX. About 10:04 I rolled into the central time zone, which needless to say, made it 11:04 am. Riding throught this part of TX. is kind of like watching a marathon presentation of the movie " Ground Hog Day". I had head winds early today, but about 12 miles west of Kent we got a quartering tail wind. Pretty warm day, at least 88 degrees  this afternoon. I had a blowout on my rear tire and Vargie had to come back and give me another tire & tube. I wouldn't know what to do without her. When we got to Kent, there was a guy about 70 yrs old  from Mississippi with an older Ford pickup and camper. His rear tire blew out and he didn't have a jack. We finally got his spare tire on and got him some cold water  and sent him on his way. I hope he makes his destination as the tire he put on was not much better than the one that blew out. Nice old boy, down on his luck and so we wished him well and he hugged both of us and thanked us for our help.
I will try to get an early start in the morning as the weather is to remain warm. Just heard a small blurb about the tsunami, I sure hope it doesn't cause a lot of damage and loss of life. Starting to get an evening breeze as the sun is going down. Will sleep well again tonight.
Just a little history on Kent, TX
The town, once called Antelope, was founded in the early 1890s.

A post office was granted in 1893 and by 1914 the population was a thriving 25 persons. The population doubled in the mid-1920s and remained at that level for 40 years. The post office was reported closed in 1960 but has since reopened.

Kent had a population of sixty-five in the late 1960s - falling to 60 by the mid-1970s where it remains today.

Today little is left to interest a tourist - but the juncture of the two roads provides a sense of place. The lone telephone at least looks comforting but it's condition is unknown. The overpass of I-10 offers some relief from the scorching sun but it will be sometime before Kent becomes a destination.

THE TEXAS SCHOOLHOUSE (Prior to 1950) pictured above

In this series we showcase some of the most modest of Texas buildings. Schools had one purpose and one purpose only. They didn't enjoy the amenities or details of hotels, public buildings, depots or courthouses. In some cases during the winters of the 1930s - each child came to school with a piece of firewood for the stove.

Many schools were dismantled and recycled into barns and outbuildings after the school consolidations of the late 40s and early 50s. Only a fraction are still standing today. Some today serve as community buildings or even residences. Others are simply collapsing under their own weight or being swallowed by vegetation.


  1. Hi Mike & Vargie,
    It's good to hear from you guys again..Sounds like you are making alot of new friends along the way..The tsunamai is pretty bad in Jupan.88 thousand people are missing as of this morning..
    Three guys in CA thought it would be cool to get some pic of it..So they went down to the beach & never came back..What goes on in there minds??????
    The weather is starting to look like spring here.It's been raining some..The temp is going to be almost 50* on sunday..Butch & Donald say they are going to ride there bikes to work then..Still a little too cold for me..OK I'm a wimp..Still too cold for me...
    Brinda said the pledges are around $2,000.00 right now..She also said we can now start asking buss.members..So they should start to pick up more..
    Well thats all from me for now..
    You "ROCK" Vargy you ROCK also..
    Keep on rolling..Barbie

  2. Have to agree with Barbie, you both ROCK big time. If there were more people like you two there would be no problems in the world. Unfortunatly people like you are rare. Keep on peddlin and spreading goodwill. You brighten our days, nights not so much.

  3. Hi Mike, Happy that all is going well and you are seeing some great scenery! What a great adventure you are both on. Have fun, stay safe.

    Jill & Don
